Saturday 16 July 2011


We made it to Ferndale on Wednesday and when we went to head out on Friday morning we discovered the jacks & big slide wouldn't work.  Long story short . . . we are now at Camping World in Burlington and the problem turns out to be something that Westgate RV said they fixed last year but apparently didn't.  We now have a burned out hydraulic motor and are camping in the parking lot of Camping World waiting for Monday morning to find out if the parts can be sent from the east coast.  If they don't have the parts we will have to wait until they are manufactured.  At this point we could be here for a while and are hoping that we will be able to get away on time for the wedding.  Didn't think I would be sitting in a parking lot in the pouring rain when we planned this trip a year ago.  Needless to say Westgate RV are NOT our favourite people right now.  We called them to tell them what was happening and basically got blown off . . . how's that for good customer service when it's their fault this happened????  Please think good thoughts for us, we're hoping things will improve very quickly.  Stay tuned . . . .


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