Monday 10 October 2011


Here we are in Omak, Washington and it's our last night on the road.  We'll be home tomorrow, three months to the day that we left.  It's been a very long and unbelievable journey.  We visited some fantastic places, met some wonderful people and have so many happy memories to take home with us.  We hope you enjoyed the trip along with us and thank you all, family and friends, for taking the time to share it with us.


Saturday 8 October 2011


We've arrived in Post Falls, Idaho which is between Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and Spokane, Washington.  It was a beautiful day and the drive was really a pleasant one.  Took some pictures of the scenery as it changed a lot from Butte, Montana to Post Falls.  Have a look . . .   We'll be another night so won't be doing a blog tomorrow.  Check us out on Monday to see where we are.


Friday 7 October 2011


Woke to heavy rains and it didn't get any better throughout the day.  The rain slowed for a while only to have high winds shaking us up . . . made for a pretty hairy drive.  It's kind of hard to see in the picture but there's snow on them thar hills.

We're overnighting in Butte and heading to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho tomorrow.

The happy driver!

Thursday 6 October 2011


Left Bismarck, North Dakota this morning and we're now spending the night in Billings, Montana.  The weather has taken a turn and most of the day was dull and cloudy with rain starting just outside of Billings.  Looks like Fall has arrived back.

Stopped along the way at Theodore Rooselvelt Park for a break and some picture taking.

View of the Painted Canyon in Theodore Roosevelt Park

Change from the prairies of North Dakota to the hills of Montana

Driving into Billings.

Wednesday 5 October 2011


It's been a hot day here . . . 83 degrees but with quite a wind.  During the night the wind got very strong and we were rocking pretty good.  Can't complain, it's October 5th and we're having a heat wave. 

We visited a couple of stores and then headed out to Fort Abraham Lincoln to see what changes have occured since we were there 10 years ago.  We arrived to find that the fort is closed for the season and it appears that nothing has changed since our last visit.  We took some pictures so have a look . . .

Custer's house.

Enlisted men's barracks.

Heading out tomorrow for points west.

Tuesday 4 October 2011


We left Walker, Minnesota this morning and headed towards North Dakota.  Stopped in Fargo for some lunch and a look around a few shops. 

Driving into Fargo

The weather has been wonderful again today . . . mid 80's with a nice breeze.  Feels like summer has come back again and hopefully it will last till we get home.

Driving into Bismarck

We're hoping to have a visit at Fort Abraham Lincoln tomorrow.  We were there about 10 years ago and it will be interesting to see how much has been restored in that time.  Fort Abraham Lincoln is the fort that Custer was in charge of and left to go to Little Big Horn.  After he and his men were decimated the fort was abandoned and settlers coming through tore down the buildings and took the lumber with them to build their houses out west.  Looking forward to seeing the changes!

Monday 3 October 2011


We left Ironwood, Michigan this morning, drove through Wisconsin and have now stopped for the night in Walker, Minnesota.  The weather has been fantastic again today and it feels like summer is back.

We stopped for lunch along the shores of Lake Superior in Ashland, Wisconsin.   A beautiful day with a beautiful view to enjoy while eating.

We had some visitors hanging around while we were eating and when we threw them some bread scraps they definitely got into the spirit of things.

Cam and friends

We'll be heading out again tomorrow but taking our time and enjoying stopping when we feel like it.  We're heading towards North Dakota and we'll see how far we get.