Wednesday 5 October 2011


It's been a hot day here . . . 83 degrees but with quite a wind.  During the night the wind got very strong and we were rocking pretty good.  Can't complain, it's October 5th and we're having a heat wave. 

We visited a couple of stores and then headed out to Fort Abraham Lincoln to see what changes have occured since we were there 10 years ago.  We arrived to find that the fort is closed for the season and it appears that nothing has changed since our last visit.  We took some pictures so have a look . . .

Custer's house.

Enlisted men's barracks.

Heading out tomorrow for points west.


At 6 October 2011 at 08:03 , Blogger fssgirl said...

Hi there travellers!!!
Glad to see you're getting some better weather... I was worried there when we were seeing snow in the forecast!
I'm still reading every day... it's a comfort to see that you're both okay and on your way home :)
Miss you lots, love you more!!!
xox danielle


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