Tuesday 4 October 2011


We left Walker, Minnesota this morning and headed towards North Dakota.  Stopped in Fargo for some lunch and a look around a few shops. 

Driving into Fargo

The weather has been wonderful again today . . . mid 80's with a nice breeze.  Feels like summer has come back again and hopefully it will last till we get home.

Driving into Bismarck

We're hoping to have a visit at Fort Abraham Lincoln tomorrow.  We were there about 10 years ago and it will be interesting to see how much has been restored in that time.  Fort Abraham Lincoln is the fort that Custer was in charge of and left to go to Little Big Horn.  After he and his men were decimated the fort was abandoned and settlers coming through tore down the buildings and took the lumber with them to build their houses out west.  Looking forward to seeing the changes!


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