Monday 19 September 2011


Today we headed into Old Quebec City for a wonderful day of sightseeing.  Not a lot needs to be said, the pictures tell the story . . .

The walls of the old city just ahead.

One of the ways of getting around.  The city has some very steep hills.

The streets are very narrow

Side of the Chateau Frontenac in the Old City

A luxury liner taken from the boardwalk in front of the Chateau Frontenac

Walking along the boardwalk

Cam with another view of the Chateau Frontenac in the background

Looking back at the Chateau Frontenac along the boardwalk

View out over the St. Lawrence

Another view from higher up

Cathedral Notre Dame in Old Quebec City

Walked up this one, it was pretty steep.

Heading out of the old city

A beautiful walk

A stop for coffee at Starbucks.

Some beautiful homes across from Starbucks

From here we got into the car and drove up to the lookout at the Fortress.  Here's some photos . . .

The Plains of Abraham

A view from near the fortress

The Fortress

The view across the St. Lawrence from the Fortress

We're heading out tomorrow . . . just not sure where as yet.  We no longer have the Verizon Wi-fi or our telephone as they are both programmed for the U.S. so unless we manage to get Wi-fi at our next stop we will be out of contact for a few days.  Our goal is North Bay, Ontario by the 23rd of September.  Should be back on line by then.


At 19 September 2011 at 17:03 , Blogger Eleni said...

hello! love the pictures, it looks beautiful there. we miss you guys so much and think about you every day. sending lots of love from the west. love you!



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