Thursday 8 September 2011


For the third day and night the rain has been coming down.  If you're watching the news on TV I'm sure there's been some mention made of the flooding here in Pennsylvania.  We're leaving here tomorrow and hopefully we'll not hit any highway closures along the way.  This has been quite the trip . . . an earthquake, hurricane and now flooding.  If you hear about a plague of locusts it will probably be where we're camped!!

Today we went to the Diorama.  It is a scale model of the entire Gettysburg battlefield with every building, tree, cannon, soldier and horse.  This is the biggest military scale model in America and shows scale to 6,000 acres.  We were told it took five years to build.

Panoramic View


That's pretty much it for Gettysburg.  We'll be heading towards Philadelphia tomorrow and hopefully this rain will stop and the people of Pennsylvania will be able to get back to normal.


At 8 September 2011 at 15:46 , Blogger Eleni said...

hi there! sorry i haven't commented in a while, the blog still looks great and we love reading it! make sure you eat a cheese steak "wiz wid" while you're in Philly. that means with cheese wiz and onions:) love you!


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