Friday 2 September 2011


We headed back into Washington for one last day.  With it being the Friday of the Labour Day weekend traffic wasn't nearly as bad as the last two days.  We boarded our tour bus and drove past Ford's Theatre where Lincoln was shot.

Hard to see but the white doors are the entrance to Ford's Theatre

From there we headed to Union Station.  It's such a beautiful building on the outside and the inside is just unbelievable.  Check it out . . .


Inside Union Station, along with ticket booths and boarding stations for the trains is a city of shops and restaurants.  We saw at least three floors but it was so huge we didn't get all the way through.  What an elegant place!


From Union Station we headed over to the Capitol.  We drove down Pennsylvania Avenue towards the Capitol.  We were told that when they have a procession down Pennsylvania Avenue all the traffic lights can be removed.

View of the Capitol looking down Pennsylvania Avenue. 

A small section of the Capitol Building

Another view and it's still not all of it.

From the Capitol we boarded the bus again and headed to the Air and Space Museum.

A Replica of the Kitty Hawk

One of the many airplanes on display

There you have it . . . three wonderful days touring Washington, D.C.  We going to be staying where we are for a few more days as we want to do day trips to Gettysburg and Antietam.  More to come . . . 


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