Tuesday 23 August 2011


Hi Everyone,

Just want to let you all know that we're doing just fine.  We were driving to Williamsburg when the earthquake happened and we were actually in the Richmond area at the time of the quake.  We didn't feel a thing and had no idea until we spoke to someone later in the day. 

When we signed in at the RV park we're staying at the owner mentioned that Hurricane Irene is expected in this area by the end of the week so we only booked in for two nights and will be heading up to Washington, DC on Thursday if Irene is still on the way.

We'll be touring Old Williamsburg tomorrow so will try to get lots of pictures for the blog.

All is well and hopefully we won't wake up to snow tomorrow!!


At 23 August 2011 at 18:35 , Blogger serra said...

Hi Nonna and Avi!
Becareful with the storms. We lost power about an hour after we got to the beach and was out for 5 hours! Wish you guys were here! Aiden has been playing with the twins and liam in the pool...check out their blog. Talk to you soon and becareful!

Love, aiden and the whole family


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