Thursday 18 August 2011


Dinner was a success and we had a great time with our new family!  Check out the pictures . . .


From the left we have Chris, Eleni's Dad (also known as Papou, Greek for Grandpa), Eleni is standing up, Jeffrey, Debi, Eleni's Mom (also known as Yia Yia, Greek for Grandma), to her left is Serra, Eleni's sister who is covered by Cam's head, next to Serra is Paul, her husband, then Cam (also known as Avi, Icelandic for Grandpa), and the empty chair is mine, Norma (also known as Nonna, Italian for Grandma).

 Here we have Eleni's Grandfather, Charlie (also known as Baboo) on the right, and Paul's parents Billy and Wendy.

                  Our wonderful grandkids, Liam on the left, Meagan at the back and Jordan in the front.

A better picture of Serra, Paul and baby Aiden

                                        The Bride and Groom, Eleni and Jeffrey

Our Katie (family friend and adopted daughter) arrived late last evening but managed to get some leftovers.  Mike (a long time friend of Jeffrey's) is arriving some time today and the wedding party will then be complete.  Lots of preparations in progress and much running around.  Hopefully I'll have time to blog in the next day or two.  If not, it's going to have to wait until after the wedding.


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