Tuesday 6 September 2011


We took a two day break after our three days in Washington and our trip to Harpers Ferry and Antietam.  Just couldn't do any more.  We had been getting up at 0600 and heading out at 0730 and not getting home till 6:30 or 7:00 in the evening.  Lots and I mean lots of walking every day so we just needed to veg for a couple of days.  Well, not quite vegging, the laundry got done and the RV got cleaned but compared to all that walking it was vegging. 

The weather to this point has been extremely hot and muggy . . . feels like you're wet all the time.  We had a bit of rain yesterday, more during the night and this morning we woke up to more rain.  Here's a picture of Cam getting us organized to head out from Dumfries, VA.  It was raining lightly but he managed to get us ready without getting too wet.

We headed to Gettysburg which is about 100 miles from Dumfries.  The further north we headed the harder it rained.  We arrived here about 1:30 and checked in and got settled.  We're only 3 miles away from Gettysburg so we're in a great spot. 

We had some lunch and headed out for a drive around town.  Very quaint and picturesque.  We didn't take any pictures of the town as we're going to do the tour and visit the museums tomorrow.  Hopefully the rain will stop by then. 

What a change . . . summer seems to have disappeared and fall just might have landed with a very big bang.  The next few days will tell.  Either way, we'll be out doing the tour of Gettysburg rain or shine.  Stay tuned . . .


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