Monday 12 September 2011


As I write this I'm sitting, looking at the NY skyline . . . what a view. 

After having to move the RV this morning we managed to get everything re-settled and made plans for the day.

We decided that we'd start out with Times Square and see how it went.  Walked down to the train station and it took a while but we finally figured out how to buy our tickets and what train we needed to take.

Times Square, the advertising is unbelievable . . .

. . . and so is the traffic.

Went for a visit to the hotel (The W) I stayed in when Jeffrey took me to NYC two years ago.

Walked around Times Square taking in the sights and sounds.  Due to the terrorist threats that have been in the news lately there was a big police presence most everywhere we went.  Right in Times Square streets were blocked and vehicles had to go through a police check before being allowed through.  Needless to say the traffic jams were a nightmare.

One of the check points.

We stopped for a bite to eat and then decided to head over to the Discovery Times Square Exposition on West 44th Street.  That is where Carlos Bakery has an outlet that you can buy some of their smaller bakery items as well as souvenirs.  Meagan, the aspiring baker, is crazy about the show and we wanted to get her a T-shirt.  We walked all the way down there and discovered the Exposition was closed and therefore, Carlos Bakery was closed.  Kind of reminds me of the Reflecting Pool in Washington.  Just can't seem to hit the right time for these things.

From there we decided to head to Central Park.  Not sure but I think it's about a mile from where we were so we soldiered on and with a couple of side trips, arrived at the park.

One of the stops along the way

Entrance into Central Park

Sat in the park for a while and chatted with some nice ladies from Australia.  Had a bit of a rest and then decided to walk up to the Museum of Natural History which is about 18 blocks up. 

Walking through the park

On the way to the museum

One of the beautiful buildings along Central Park West 

Entrance to the Museum of Natural History

 The famous dinasour from the movie Night At The Museum

It was a long day and time to go home.  We caught the subway and with one transfer made it home after a short walk.   Travelling the subways is an education.  Had some difficulty figuring out where we were going but all you have to do is stop and ask and friendly help will see you on your way.


At 13 September 2011 at 08:15 , Blogger Eleni said...

I remember how much you loved NY. Last time Cam told you to go because he knew how much you wanted to and now you're there together. Must be great! Did you go to the Gin Mill? Say hello to my city for me.

At 13 September 2011 at 14:31 , Blogger serra said...

Hope you guys are having a great time! We can't wait to see all of the pictures!


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