Sunday 18 September 2011


We left NYC yesterday morning and headed up the eastern seaboard.  It was a long day and a very long drive. 

View from the RV window at 0600 on our last day in New York.

The first of seven toll booths we went through heading up I-95.

Driving over the George Washington bridge leaving NYC.

From Jersey City, New Jersey we drove through New York State, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine.   We had planned on stopping in Boston for a visit but the traffic was so horrendous we decided to just keep going and get clear of it.  We stopped in Augusta, Maine for the night. 

Our trip up I-95 took us through seven toll booths at a total cost of $64.50.  The smallest toll we paid was $4.40 and the largest toll was $32.00 for the George Washington Bridge.  The average for the rest was about $5.00.  It would seem they're not using the money on the highways as they are in terrible shape.

We got another early start this morning and continued north through Maine.  It is a lovely state and appears to be a hunter and fisherman's dream.

The foliage is still pretty green but there is a bit of colour.

We crossed the border into Quebec early afternoon and headed for a campground that is fairly close to Old Quebec City.  

We're finding it a bit difficult as all the signs are in French and the people we've run into so far checking in at the camp ground don't speak English.  A bit of a problem for Cam and I as we never took French in school.  We've managed to get checked in so hopefully, once we're in Quebec City, we'll find some people that speak English.  From what we've seen so far Quebec is a lovely province and we're looking forward to a tour of Old Quebec City tomorrow.


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