Thursday 28 July 2011


Left Branson, Missouri this morning and had a wonderful drive to Mountain View, Arkansas.  The scenery in these parts is breath taking and it was a lovely and leisurely drive from Branson.  We were on a lesser highway so the traffic was good and that "rush" feeling wasn't there.  We arrived just after 1:00 p.m. and settled in at the Ozark RV Park which is right next door to the Ozark Folk Centre. 

Took a trip over to the Folk Centre and had a walk around, checking out the different hand made items done locally.  Some beautiful pieces and some things from back in the day.  Lots of interesting stuff.

We headed into town and had a walk up and down main street looking in some of the stores with more beautiful local pottery and other hand crafted items.  Stopped in at Woods Pharmacy and Soda Fountain . . . right out of the early 1900's.  The soda fountain counter is beautiful and the tin ceilings are gorgeous.    The Pharmacy is at the back and it was like walking into so many of those old movies where the hero sits at the counter and orders his cherry coke.  We cheated and split a hot brownie fudge ice cream sundae that was to die for.  Couldn't resist but it's back on WW again. 

Mountain View is a small town and we were told it is the Folk Fest capital of Arkansas.  Looking at a flyer of upcoming events and workshops shows everything from tributes to the Carter Family, woodcarving for beginners, cooking and broom making workshops and pottery and dulcimer workshops.  We've arrived during Women of Mountain Music week so there are lots of concerts, both day and evening to check out.
This is a small town with lots happening. 

The people are so kind and helpful and very welcoming.  Everyone you talk to wishes you a pleasant stay and a safe journey . . . southern hospitality at it's finest.

Probably no need to mention the heat . . . still in the high 90's low 100's.  Quite possibly we melted off that ice cream sundae.  One can only hope!

This is the Mountain View Court House in the centre of town.


At 28 July 2011 at 20:09 , Blogger Eleni said...

Hi there, it was so great to see you both tonight on skype! You guys look great:) we miss you lots and are so happy you're having a great time. prayers for continued safety in your travels. peggy sue says hi:)
Love you guys!
xoxo, Eleni


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