Monday 1 August 2011


Natchez Trace Parkway

Started out from Savannah, Tennessee this morning and took the Natchez Trace Parkway to Nashville.  This is a two-lane road that is a treat to drive along.  We drove about 97 miles of it and the scenery is gorgeous.  The parkway itself is a manicured marvel.  It feels like you are driving up someone's private driveway it is so well maintained.  The Natchez Trace Parkway starts in Grand Isle, Louisiana and goes through Mississippi, Alabama, and ends in Nashville.

Meriwether Lewis Cabin

The Meriwether Lewis National Monument is located along the Natchez Trace Parkway about 40 miles from Nashville.  We stopped and had a look at the monument where he is buried.  Lewis was found deceased in his cabin from unknown causes at the age of 35.  

We are staying just outside of Nashville and will be here for four nights.  Thought it would be nice to have a bit of a break and just stay put for a few days.  Time to relax and check out the tourist spots. 


At 2 August 2011 at 09:32 , Blogger fssgirl said...

Still loving the blog! I'm so glad you guys are having fun and that (fingers crossed) the mechanical issues are over :)
Enjoy your time in Nashville, and I'll see you soon!!!
xox danielle
ps. Lewis died of gunshot wounds, although it was never clear whether it was suicide or murder...


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