Sunday 31 July 2011


We left Memphis at 0930 this morning and arrived at Shiloh, the famous battlefield  of the Civil War at 1230. 

The Battle of Shiloh, between the North, led by General Ulysses S. Grant and the South, led by General Albert S. Johnston took place on April 6th and 7th.  General Johnston was struck by a stray bullet and bled to death.  General P.G.T. Beauregard took his place leading the troops.

The Battle of Shiloh is famous due to the fact that it was one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War . . . the casualties numbered 23,746.  This included killed, wounded and missing in action.

It was at Shiloh that Federal surgeons set up one of the first tent hospitals of the Civil War.  By concentrating medical services on the battlefield, patient care was greatly improved and the death rate lowered.

Shiloh and it's surrounding area are an impressive and often beautiful landscape.  Another stop that was, again, so worthwhile and rich with history.  It is truly awesome to stand and picture what happened here so long ago.

Saturday 30 July 2011



What a day!  Elvis is as alive today as he ever was.  It's hard to believe that 34 years after his death people are still flocking, and I mean flocking, to his home to pay homage to him. We arrived just after the ticket stands opened at 0830 and bought our tickets for the Platinum Tour which included a tour of Graceland, his two planes, car museum, clothes museum and a couple of other sites.

Graceland is awesome.  You're only allowed to tour the main floor and finished basement as Elvis never took visitors upstairs to his private quarters so out of respect for him they don't allow tours up there.  The house is something to see.  The outside and grounds are unbelievably beautiful and well maintained.  The inside has that look of the 70's . . . shag carpets, eclectic furnishings along with beautiful family portraits and pictures.  The only room that really showed it's age was the kitchen.  Definitely needed some updating.  The main floor had the living room, dining room, his parents' bedroom, kitchen, music room, jungle room (which was something to see).  The downstairs had a media room and pool table room.  From there we went outside and along a sidewalk to Vernon's office then along to the gun range where he and his friends practiced shooting.  Then to the Racquet Ball room which has now been turned into a museum that holds many of his awards and wardrobe items.  There is also another area that holds all his gold and platinum records and is absolutely amazing.  It really makes you realize how fantastic this man was when you see a room so full of these awards.  From there along passed the swimming pool, which was quite nice and over to the Meditation Gardens.  The Meditation Garden was built by Elvis but after his death his father, Vernon, had Elvis and his mother's remains brought back to Graceland and buried there.  Vernon now rests there as well as Elvis' grandmother and a plaque for Elvis' twin brother that died at birth but is buried elsewhere.


 The Meditation Gardens are really beautiful and there is a huge cross with the name Presley on it as well as a beautiful statue of an angel that was a gift to Elvis from his friends on the death of his mother.  It's a really lovely and peaceful spot located just across from the pool area.

Elvis purchased Graceland and it's 13.6 acres from a doctor for just over $100,000 . . .  can't remember the exact price.  The grounds are so beautiful and the feeling as you walk around outside is one of peace and solitude even though the home is on Elvis Presley Boulevard which is a very busy thoroughfare.

From there we crossed the street back to where the planes, car museums and lots of sourvenir shops were located.  We went through it all and stood in line in the heat to see inside the planes.  The big plane, called the Lisa Marie was decked out with sofa's, tv's, and a bedroom with a queen size bed.  The bathroom had a 24 carat sink and the seat belt buckles were 24 carat gold plate.

The small jet was outfitted with regular seats, they just happened to be in yellows and greens.  I think Elvis managed to change everything he bought to colours that he liked.  We saw a beautiful Cadillac that he had purchased in white and had painted a gorgeous royal purple.  The man lived well but was very generous to others.  Apparently his charitable donations to organizations in the Memphis area were incredible.

All in all it was an absolutely fantastic experience.  Something to put on the "bucket list" and definitely something to make sure you cross off of it.  As I said at the beginning of this blog, the fact that someone who has been gone for 34 years can still draw the huge crowds we saw today is totally amazing.  I'm still a fan and today just proved why.  AWESOME!!

Tomorrow we'll be heading down towards Nashville.  It will probably take 2 or 3 days to get there as Cam wants to stop at the Shiloh National Battle Field just outside Shiloh, Tennessee and Stones River National Battlefield just outside of Murfreesboro which is on the outskirts of Nashville.

More adventures to come . . .

Friday 29 July 2011


We left Mountain View, Arkansas at 0930 this morning and had a lovely drive to Memphis, Tennessee.  Really hot and muggy today with lots of dark clouds in the sky.  You could feel the rain in the air.  We did hit some rain but managed to just catch the tail end of it and missed the big downpour.

We arrived in Memphis around 3:00 p.m. and after realizing that the first RV park we had planned on wasn't in the best area we ended up at the Elvis Presley RV Park on Elvis Presley Boulevard, just two blocks away from . . . you guessed it . . . GRACELAND!!

We're going to take the day tomorrow to visit Graceland and do all the touristy things so decided we would head down to Beale Street and see what it was about.  Drove into down town Memphis and passed the famous St. Jude's Hospital and saw Danny Thomas Boulevard.  We stopped at a visitor's centre that had two beautiful big statues, one of Elvis and one of B.B. King.  Unfortunately, I forgot the camera in the RV so I didn't get any pictures.

We stopped in at the Peabody Hotel and saw their famous ducks.  They were getting ready to escort the ducks from the small fountain in the bar to the elevator.  All the people line up around the fountain and along the way to the elevator.  The curator of the ducks rolls out a red carpet from the fountain to the elevator and he has the ducks walk along it and get into the elevator.  We didn't stay around to watch the ducks leave the fountain as it was so crowded with everyone waiting to see the procession.

Beale Street is very noisy with all the different bands blaring out of all the different bars.  It's either bars or souvenir shops with not much else.  Very old and dirty.  B.B. King has a souvenir shop and a pub on the corner of Beale Street and South Second Street so we had a look but, again, very crowded so we didn't hang around.

Cam finally got his wish . . . we stopped for dinner at one of the "Man vs Food" restaurants.  It's called the Kooky Canuck and is a family restaurant that serves burgers, sandwiches and fries.  It's claim to fame is that is has a 4 lb hamburger with all the trimmings and fries.  If you can eat it in 60 minutes you get it for free and your picture on the wall of fame.  We opted to split a regular burger and a dessert.  Excellent food and very enjoyable.

Just too hot to stay out for very long so we headed home to sit in some air conditioning.  Want to have an early night so we can be at Graceland early in the a.m.

Thursday 28 July 2011


Left Branson, Missouri this morning and had a wonderful drive to Mountain View, Arkansas.  The scenery in these parts is breath taking and it was a lovely and leisurely drive from Branson.  We were on a lesser highway so the traffic was good and that "rush" feeling wasn't there.  We arrived just after 1:00 p.m. and settled in at the Ozark RV Park which is right next door to the Ozark Folk Centre. 

Took a trip over to the Folk Centre and had a walk around, checking out the different hand made items done locally.  Some beautiful pieces and some things from back in the day.  Lots of interesting stuff.

We headed into town and had a walk up and down main street looking in some of the stores with more beautiful local pottery and other hand crafted items.  Stopped in at Woods Pharmacy and Soda Fountain . . . right out of the early 1900's.  The soda fountain counter is beautiful and the tin ceilings are gorgeous.    The Pharmacy is at the back and it was like walking into so many of those old movies where the hero sits at the counter and orders his cherry coke.  We cheated and split a hot brownie fudge ice cream sundae that was to die for.  Couldn't resist but it's back on WW again. 

Mountain View is a small town and we were told it is the Folk Fest capital of Arkansas.  Looking at a flyer of upcoming events and workshops shows everything from tributes to the Carter Family, woodcarving for beginners, cooking and broom making workshops and pottery and dulcimer workshops.  We've arrived during Women of Mountain Music week so there are lots of concerts, both day and evening to check out.
This is a small town with lots happening. 

The people are so kind and helpful and very welcoming.  Everyone you talk to wishes you a pleasant stay and a safe journey . . . southern hospitality at it's finest.

Probably no need to mention the heat . . . still in the high 90's low 100's.  Quite possibly we melted off that ice cream sundae.  One can only hope!

This is the Mountain View Court House in the centre of town.

Wednesday 27 July 2011


Spent the day touring the main drag of Branson.  It's a very commercial and touristy city which was quite surprising.  Thought it would have more of a country feel . . . a bit laid back and down home.  The main drag is bumper to bumper with tourists and everything is costly.  We would have liked to go to a show but it appears it's all celebrity impersonators.  I think the only original people we saw an add for were Andy Williams and Ann Margaret.  Just can't justify spending $126.00 to see a copy of the real thing.  Hopefully we'll get to see the "originals" when we hit Nashville.

The picture above is a theatre for a show called The Dixie Stampede, which is apparently put on by Dolly Parton.  She's not part of the show which has people riding horses and chasing buffalo, etc.  You can have dinner and watch this live show taking place.

We're staying at an RV park right off the main drag in the heart of Branson.  We have a pool which we've been using each day as the temperature is in the high 90's low 100's.  We were told this is not usual and has been going on for 2 weeks now.  People are really feeling the heat and you can't stay outside for very long.

We're heading off to Mountain View, Arkansaw tomorrow morning.  No rush at this time, just taking our time and seeing the sights.

Tuesday 26 July 2011


It took all day waiting for the okay from the insurance company but it finally came through and we headed out to Branson, Missouri and arrived at 6:00 p.m.  Had some dinner and went for a swim in the pool at the RV Park.  The heat is still high . . . mid to high 90's and they're saying it's going to stay that way for at least the next week.

Haven't had a chance to see much of Branson but we've got all day tomorrow to check it out.  It's a big and busy town so there'll be lots to see and do.

More tomorrow . . .

Monday 25 July 2011


Good news . . . the parts arrived this morning and the jacks and slide are now fixed.  A slight hiccup with a roof vent cover we had put on which will get fixed tomorrow and we'll be on our way.  We're heading to Branson, Missouri to see the sights and check out the scenery.

We spent a quiet day yesterday and today . . . that's why no blog yesterday.  Hopefully, once we're on the road again things will get interesting and I'll have something to write about.

The weather is in the mid to high 90's every day and it feels like you're walking into a sauna.  So glad we have air!

Saturday 23 July 2011


We're finally here and in plenty of time for Monday.  "Here" is the Camping World in Springfield, Missouri.  We talked to the fellow and they're expecting the parts in some time on Monday so we are hoping to be back on the road no later than Wednesday.

First order of business upon getting settled was finding a laundromat.  10 days of dirty clothes had really piled up so being able to settle in and get that accomplished was major.  We're now back at Camping World and will be camping here until the "fix" is done.  The people have been amazing and we are definitely seeing "southern hospitality" at its finest.  Everyone from service people to cashiers has been so helpful and kind.  We can't say enough good things about Camping World and it's people, both here and in Burlington.  Anyone looking to get any kind of help with their RV should definitely check them out.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter.  Cam is melting and I am "glowing" (a nice way to say I'm sweating too).  Can't believe the humidity in this part of the country . . . it takes some getting used to.

Looks like a quiet weekend for us. 

Friday 22 July 2011


Left Sioux Falls, South Dakota this morning about 0800 heading south again but hit some snags.  The flooding in Iowa was unbelievable.  The southern side of the freeway was under water but we were detoured around and managed to keep heading south.  We were on Interstate 29 south of Council Bluffs, Iowa where there was much flooding.  The interstate was closed further down and the signage was very poor.  We ended up coming back north 15 miles to take a long detour east to again head south and back over to Interstate 29.  A very long and arduous day as the heat was quite extreme.  We are now in Clinton, Missouri for the night.

The flooding throughout Iowa along the Missouri River where the highway runs along was a shock for us who have never seen this kind of thing.  Houses, barns, freeways, crops and more all under water.  Barns with water half way up and probably over the roofs of some houses.  Acres and acres of corn turned yellow from the water or submerged everywhere you look.  The people of Iowa have really been hit hard.  A very sad situation.

We should be in Springfield by tomorrow afternoon and will head straight to Camping World.  We called them today and the parts are scheduled to arrive on Monday.  If they come early enough it will be done on Monday.  If not we may be there a day or two but, fingers crossed, all will be fixed and we'll be able to start our holiday.  Looking forward to seeing Branson, Graceland, Nashville & Dollywood among other places as we head to South Carolina. 

That's it for today . . . think good thoughts for us that all will be well once we get the rig fixed.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Another Time Zone

We're now in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and 2 hours ahead of you all except for our Ontario readers.  Started out from Spearfish about 0800 this morning and just spent the day driving.  We are now in the south eastern corner of South Dakota and heading south through Nebraska and Iowa tomorrow.  We've travelled 1604 miles from Burlington, Washington to where we are. 
The weather continues to be hot but not unmanageable.  It cools down through the night and gets hotter as the day progresses.  The countryside has been breathtaking and it is so vast it makes you wonder how people manage to live out in the middle of nowhere with nothing for miles and miles. 
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings . . .

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Another day . . .

Left Post Falls, Idaho about 0800 this morning and headed to Little Big Horn which is in southern Montana.  We spent a good 2 hours touring around and just absorbing the history and feeling of this unforgettable place.  To stand on a hillside and look out at the markers erected where each soldier fell is so awesome.  It doesn't matter which way you turn there are markers.  This is a must see place . . . the countryside is so beautiful and the history is so alive as you travel through it.  If you're a history buff it's something to see.

Headed out from there and stopped for the night in Spearfish, South Dakota.  The weather has been extremely warm but no complaints after all the rain at the start of this trip.  Still got a ways to go to Springfield, Missouri so we'll be gum booting it for the next few days.  I'd like to get there a day or two before the appointment for the repairs just to check in and let them know we're there.

That's it for now . . . off to sit and relax a bit before heading to bed. 

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Big Sky Country

We made it to Post Falls, Idaho last night after getting caught up on the freeway in a traffic accident and sitting for 1 1/2 hours trying to get through Spokane.  Spent a good and quiet night and got an early start this morning.  We made it to Billings, Montana tonight and other than forgetting about the 1 hour time change we had a good trip.  Hoping to make it to Little Big Horn tomorrow and we'll definitely stop for a look see.  We were there once before quite a few years ago and were so impressed with it so thought we would stop again for another look. It's extremely hot here in Billings so I guess we can't complain after all the rain we left behind. 
Just a note to people who know the story of FNW, Montana . . . we went past it today and it's still the same . . . in the middle of FNW.

Monday 18 July 2011


Well, we're heading out to Springfield, Missouri to meet up with the parts that have been ordered from back east.  We have an appointment scheduled for a week today (Monday) to get this machine fixed up.  It was going to take over a week for the parts to be shipped here to Burlington so we figured it would be best to have them shipped somewhere else and head there . . . this way we're closer to our destination of Laurens, South Carolina.  Camping World was fantastic and did everything they could for us to help us get on the way.  Hopefully the Camping World in Springfield will be able to fix us up quickly and get us back on track to enjoying our vacation.  Haven't had too much enjoyment as yet. 

Time for some positive thinking and a glass of wine with dinner tonight!!

Saturday 16 July 2011


We made it to Ferndale on Wednesday and when we went to head out on Friday morning we discovered the jacks & big slide wouldn't work.  Long story short . . . we are now at Camping World in Burlington and the problem turns out to be something that Westgate RV said they fixed last year but apparently didn't.  We now have a burned out hydraulic motor and are camping in the parking lot of Camping World waiting for Monday morning to find out if the parts can be sent from the east coast.  If they don't have the parts we will have to wait until they are manufactured.  At this point we could be here for a while and are hoping that we will be able to get away on time for the wedding.  Didn't think I would be sitting in a parking lot in the pouring rain when we planned this trip a year ago.  Needless to say Westgate RV are NOT our favourite people right now.  We called them to tell them what was happening and basically got blown off . . . how's that for good customer service when it's their fault this happened????  Please think good thoughts for us, we're hoping things will improve very quickly.  Stay tuned . . . .

Wednesday 13 July 2011

We're in Ferndale

It's Wednesday and we've made it to Ferndale and the RV.  Got some things to do before we head out on Friday . . . have to pick up a phone and a WI-FI stick so we can keep using the computer. 

Mother Nature doesn't know it's summer yet, we've had rain and sunshine since we arrived.  We're hoping the further south we head we'll find summer.  It's going to be an exciting day on Friday starting out.  Keep checking in occasionally and I'll do my best to keep things up to date.

Also, we've discovered that you can't put comments on the blog unless you have a google account.  If you want to comment on anything or just want to check in and let us know how you are just send us an e-mail and we'll be glad to hear from you.

Back to the preparations . . .

Monday 11 July 2011

Countdown is on...............

   Hi folks

Thought you'd like to see our home away from home.  Heading out tomorrow and we'll probably catch up with you in a few days with more news. 


Thursday 7 July 2011

Getting Ready

Still learning how this works but think we are now bloggers.  Getting ready for the trip and leaving on Tuesday morning (July 12).  Will try to keep this updated at least every 2nd or 3rd day for our family & friends to see where we are.