Friday 30 September 2011


It's September 30th and we left North Bay this morning in some very miserable weather . . . cold and rainy.  It stayed that way most of the day as we drove towards Sault Ste Marie.  Check out the pictures . . .

The Fall colours are starting to show

Summer is gone!

We crossed the border into Michigan at Sault Ste Marie and, wouldn't you know it, another toll road as soon as you come out of the border crossing.  They got ya no matter what!

We headed down towards Highway 2 and stopped in St. Ignace for the night.  We're staying at a casino which has hookup so we're cozy warm without using the propane.

We're planning on being home a bit early . . . probably in the next 10 days to 2 weeks as opposed to another 3 weeks on the road.  We had a wonderful visit with the kids and now we're ready to get home and get back to normal.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Just a note to all our readers to let you know that we've arrived at my daughter's in North Bay so will be taking a break from blogging for about 10 days or so.  Once we're headed back home I'll start up again and let you know where we are as we travel. 

Monday 19 September 2011


Today we headed into Old Quebec City for a wonderful day of sightseeing.  Not a lot needs to be said, the pictures tell the story . . .

The walls of the old city just ahead.

One of the ways of getting around.  The city has some very steep hills.

The streets are very narrow

Side of the Chateau Frontenac in the Old City

A luxury liner taken from the boardwalk in front of the Chateau Frontenac

Walking along the boardwalk

Cam with another view of the Chateau Frontenac in the background

Looking back at the Chateau Frontenac along the boardwalk

View out over the St. Lawrence

Another view from higher up

Cathedral Notre Dame in Old Quebec City

Walked up this one, it was pretty steep.

Heading out of the old city

A beautiful walk

A stop for coffee at Starbucks.

Some beautiful homes across from Starbucks

From here we got into the car and drove up to the lookout at the Fortress.  Here's some photos . . .

The Plains of Abraham

A view from near the fortress

The Fortress

The view across the St. Lawrence from the Fortress

We're heading out tomorrow . . . just not sure where as yet.  We no longer have the Verizon Wi-fi or our telephone as they are both programmed for the U.S. so unless we manage to get Wi-fi at our next stop we will be out of contact for a few days.  Our goal is North Bay, Ontario by the 23rd of September.  Should be back on line by then.

Sunday 18 September 2011


We left NYC yesterday morning and headed up the eastern seaboard.  It was a long day and a very long drive. 

View from the RV window at 0600 on our last day in New York.

The first of seven toll booths we went through heading up I-95.

Driving over the George Washington bridge leaving NYC.

From Jersey City, New Jersey we drove through New York State, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine.   We had planned on stopping in Boston for a visit but the traffic was so horrendous we decided to just keep going and get clear of it.  We stopped in Augusta, Maine for the night. 

Our trip up I-95 took us through seven toll booths at a total cost of $64.50.  The smallest toll we paid was $4.40 and the largest toll was $32.00 for the George Washington Bridge.  The average for the rest was about $5.00.  It would seem they're not using the money on the highways as they are in terrible shape.

We got another early start this morning and continued north through Maine.  It is a lovely state and appears to be a hunter and fisherman's dream.

The foliage is still pretty green but there is a bit of colour.

We crossed the border into Quebec early afternoon and headed for a campground that is fairly close to Old Quebec City.  

We're finding it a bit difficult as all the signs are in French and the people we've run into so far checking in at the camp ground don't speak English.  A bit of a problem for Cam and I as we never took French in school.  We've managed to get checked in so hopefully, once we're in Quebec City, we'll find some people that speak English.  From what we've seen so far Quebec is a lovely province and we're looking forward to a tour of Old Quebec City tomorrow.

Friday 16 September 2011


Today is our last day and we'll be heading out tomorrow morning.  We decided to head in to Little Italy for the Festival of the Feast of San Gennaro.  It's a street fair with all sorts of booths selling wonderful tasting foods, t-shirts, sun glasses, jewellry, etc.  Check this out . . .

 Had my picture taken with Jeffrey in the front of La Nonna the last time I was here.

 San Gennaro

The Cigar Booth with the fellow hand rolling the cigars.


 A game of Bocce.

Check out the clothes on the line.

Doesn't pay to chain your bike up!

We'll be heading towards Boston tomorrow so I may not do a blog for a day or two as we may just be driving. 

Thursday 15 September 2011


We had a nice leisurely day today.  Left the RV park around 11:00 a.m. and took the train to Times Square.  From there we walked to 5th Avenue and to Rockerfeller Centre.  Check out the pictures . . .




Lots of sights to see along 5th Avenue . . . 


. . . and lots of shops we can't afford!

Check out the Emeralds to my left!

Looking up Park Avenue

Went into Bloomingdales for a walk around . . . got my brown bag!

From Bloomingdales we took the subway back to Times Square and walked up to Tony's Di Napoli for dinner.  When my son, Jeffrey, took me to New York a few years ago he took me here for dinner and it was fabulous.  Just had to take Cam so he could try it out.

A wonderful meal of Vodka Ravioli with a glass of red wine . . . what a way to finish a great day!

Can you believe this dessert for two . . . Chocolate Decadence Cake.

We had planned on staying in the city and going up to 81st Street and Central Park West to try and hear Andrea Bocelli who was doing a concert in Central Park.  There were no tickets left but we thought we could stay on the outside of the park and listen to him.  Unfortunately the weather turned and got very windy and cold so we decided it was better to come home.  Good thing we did because as I write this it's raining as well as very windy.  What a great day!