Sunday 11 September 2011


We've had a busy couple of days.  Yesterday morning (Saturday) Cam took me to the Lancaster area which is an area where the Amish live.  It was really lovely to see them driving their buggys down the streets where there are automobiles driving beside them. 

I had wanted to find some quilting/material stores and there are quite a few just outside of Lancaster.  Cam waited patiently while I checked out the stores and purchased some material.

From there we headed into Philadelphia to check out the city.  So huge and sooooo many cars!!  We spent quite a while trying to find a parking spot.

View as we drove into Philadelphia

We drove to the Art Museum that is famous for being in the first Rocky movie where he runs up the steps. 

 Stopped to see his statue

There I am at the top of the stairs on the right.  Made it all the way to the top without stopping . . . or collapsing.  Just didn't run but was still proud of myself.  Now look at the next picture and see how many stairs I went up.

That little speck on the second pillar from the right is me

View from the top of the stairs looking out over the city

Panoramic view of the museum.  That's Cam standing there.

We had planned on going to the Reading Market, which is quite famous, but there just wasn't a parking spot to be had anywhere.  I don't think I have ever seen as much traffic as that on a Saturday in downtown Philadelphia.  We decided it wasn't worth the hassle and just headed back to the RV.

We weren't scheduled to arrive in New York until tomorrow but, as we were so close, decided to call the RV park we were scheduled to stay in to see if they could take us a day early.  Fortunately they could so we arrived here about 5:00 p.m. 

We are staying at the Liberty Harbor RV park in Jersey City.  From here we have a view of the New York Skyline, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  Today is September 11th and when it got dark we could see the two towers of light beaming up to the sky at the memorial.  So much to see and do in the next five days.


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